
University of the Andes


Architecture Department


Juan Manuel González


Melissa Ferro, Camilo Rodríguez, Valentina Sierra (Research and creation assistants) & Daniel Rojas (Monitor).

Housing Perspectives is a consultancy conducted for the Architecture Department of the University of the Andes. Created to find possible opportunities for the creation of a future Master in Housing. Developed under (03) three stages, it begins understanding related programs of different universities in the world as well as lessons, motives, and desires of undergraduate architects and people with interests in housing. As an outcome, we create a diagnostic tool that allows the department to find different routes and areas of action based on (30) thirty concepts related to housing. The tool provides the department possible routes of action suggested by the design team, but also allows them to make informed decisions on the topics discussed by the universities in the world, wich thoughts students want and which areas professors discuss.

I start as a Research & Creation Assistant and three of my main task are:

1. Design a tool that helps the Architecture Department to create a new Housing Master Program.

2. Analize existing master's programs, conduct user research and support the director in the tool prototyping.

3. Develop and create tools, products and keynotes.


We built an analysis framework under a matrix with thirty concepts based on themes and speeches from different master programs related to housing. All framed under three (03) levels and four (04) quadrants.


The conceptual basis of approximation.


Formal participation dynamics.


Alternative intervention techniques.

_Productive Emphasis

Influence housing from the material city.

_Cultural Emphasis

Prioritize culture, knowledge and skills.

_Established Knowledge

Housing intervention based on traditional and consolidated methods.

_Knowledge in Development

Identification and evolution of housing knowledge.


We built Narrative Arches that reveal the personal housing journey of five (05) young architects, five (05) young people from other careers with housing affinities and five (05) experts in housing issues. This to identify intrinsic factors such as lessons, motivations and desires and extrinsic factors such as social surroundings, environments, and characters that define significant concepts concerning the analysis framework of stage 01.


We create a workshop to inquire about the concepts that the participants consider relevant to their work, the future of housing and the well-being of Colombia. To show the results of the three stages, we create a series of thirty (30) Narrative Units with the outcomes obtained and the level of importance of the concept for universities, the life trajectories of the personas and their discourse.