_Camilo Rodríguez

_Type • Strategy / UX•UI / Research

_Role • Head of Product & Technology

_Year • 2023

At Licify, I ensured that the product we designed transformed the construction sector (one of the least digitized in LA), helping our customers drive their business 10X more efficiently through technology. Leading the product & tech team, I aimed to give my best to deliver the tool that helped our customers sell and build rapidly for thousands of people in LA. Additionally, I spearheaded the redesign of the platform, developed the strategy, and created the new financing section.

_Type • Game / Strategy / Social

_Role • Director

_Year • 2023

Coffee Heroes is an innovative workshop/school program that sparks kids' interest in coffee production through play. Empowering children to become superheroes creating educational games about the coffee production process, it aim to instill a sense of importance in coffee within their community and inspire the next generation of coffee farmers in Colombia.

_Type • Game / Strategy / Social

_Role • Designer & Researcher

_Year • 2022

Kembo's is a game that ignites kids' curiosity about book characters through battles to conquer the library throne. The aim is to use characters and their powers, winning objects from opponents. The game enhances children's interest in reading with a child-centered design, fostering intrinsic motivation through character stories and surprises.

_Type • Methodology

_Role • Research & Creation Assistant

_Year • 2020

Narrative Conversations, a user research methodology, deepens our understanding of human experiences through communicative relationships. Rooted in the concept of humans as storytellers, it serves as a basis for designing from experiences. Implemented at the University of the Andes since 2018, the methodology aims to enhance relationships, improve design team interactions, and facilitate communication. As a Research & Creation Assistant, my tasks involved prototyping, refining the methodology, assisting students, and designing a website and book about the project.

_Type • UX/UI / Service / Branding

_Role • Director & Researcher

_Year • 2022

Showie is a mobile app designed to help you relax and enjoy your shower time. With three types of stories—meditative, imaginative, and dilemma—and a set of playful sponges, we cater to different aspects of your shower thoughts. Showie enhances that natural break we all need during showers, especially in today's busy world where finding time for breaks is becoming more challenging.

_Type • Strategy / Service / Branding

_Role • Director & Researcher

_Year • 2017

_Exhibitions • Volarán, University of the Andes

Colombia's coffee production has become socially unsustainable, excluding children and the elderly. Older adults, capable contributors, are forced to sell their farms due to family migration, leading to financial hardship and placement in nursing homes. Coffee Masters proposes a strategic design model for a community farm program in Santuario, Risaralda, Colombia, targeting marginalized older adults to provide them with affection, identity, participation, and support.

_Type • Strategy / Service / Play / Speculative Design

_Role • Designer & Researcher

_Year • 2022

Using speculative design and play, Unum critiques the economic and political influence of the Catholic Church, focusing on their exploitation of poverty and culture to attract followers and financial support. Unum proposes a strategic plan for the Catholic Church's relevance, economic sustainability, and modernization by 2030 through an application. This app incentivizes followers to visit and create content from the Church's global museums and churches, creating a dynamic engagement model.

_Type • Strategy / Service / Methodology

_Role • Research & Creation Assistant

_Year • 2019

Housing Perspectives, a consultancy for the University of the Andes Architecture Department, aims to identify opportunities for a future Master in Housing. Executed in three stages, it begins by studying analogous programs worldwide and understanding the aspirations of undergraduate architects and housing enthusiasts. The outcome is a diagnostic tool featuring thirty housing-related concepts, providing the department with actionable insights. As a Research & Creation Assistant, my main responsibilities include designing the tool for the new program, analyzing existing master's programs, conducting user research, supporting tool prototyping, and developing various tools, products, and keynotes.